Saturday, May 21, 2016

Sandal Gunung Murah, Trendi , dan Kuat

Sandal Gunung Murah, Trendi , dan Kuat

Hay sob, ini pertama kalinya aku promosi di blog nih. Bagi kamu yang  hobinya hiking dan traveling, atau yang sukanya aktivitas di outdoor. Nih aku tawarin sandal gunung, cocok untuk pria atau wanita. Harganya pun gak mahal kok sob, Cuma  serba Rp. 75.000,00.- ( Tujuhpuluh Lima Ribu Rupiah ). Bandingin aja deh harganya sama yang lain, pasti disini member harga miring dehh… tersedia juga berbagai warna, motif dan ukuran yaa. Jadi kamu bias memilih ukuran yang pas buat kamu. Yuk cek katalognya dibawah. J


Semua harga sama yaa. kalau mau order tinggal tulis aja :  warna yang diinginkan dan ukurannya, kirim ke nomor : 082324-7357-85
Kalau mau Tanya-tanya lewat no. hp atau facebook aja. Soalnya jarang buka BBM. Trims.

          Info :

No Hp        : 082324-7357-85
Fb               : Sely Sirli Sirrli /
Pin              : 5E55CA78

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Stories of Inspiration "God & Barbers"

Stories of Inspiration "God & Barbers"

            Story of a barber and customers chatting, they talked about many things and momentary switch the topic of conversation about God. The barber said, "I do not believe God exists. "

            Try to look on the streets, if God exists, is there any pain? Is there a waif? If God exists, there will be no pain or distress. I do not
can imagine God the Merciful would let this happen.

            The consumer silent for a moment thinking, but did not respond because he did not want to start an argument, then the consumer was gone. Moments after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long hair. Wavy roughly round - round, dirty and non-shaved beard. The man looked dirty and very unkempt.

            The consumer back to the last barber shop and said, "You know, there really is not a barber."

            The barber did not accept, "You really dare say anything like that?" "I'm here, and I am a barber. Just now I mencukurmu right! "

            "No!" Evasion of the consumer. "Barbers do not exist, because if there was, there would be no people with dirty long hair and bearded like the people who are out there," the consumer added.

            "Ah, but barbers stay there!" Protested the barber. "What you see ya one he did not want to come to me," replied the barber defensively. "Matches!" Said the consumers agree. "That's the main problem! Same with God, God is also there! But what happened? People - people do not want to come to His, and would not seek Him, therefore, many are sick and displaced or affected by distress in the world. "The barber dazed. , ,

Friday, April 8, 2016

Practical Carrot Cake Recipe

Practical Carrot Cake Recipe

Image result for cake wortel   Image result for cake wortel
Material :
Eggs 3 eggs
Sugar 1 ½ oz
Backing powder ½ tsp ( teaspoon )
Grated carrot ½ kg
Flour 1 ½ oz
Melted butter 1 ½ oz
¾ cup cooking oil cooking oil

How to:
Beat eggs and sugar until it becomes a thick white
Enter the flour followed by the melted butter
Enter grated carrot
Put the mixture in a baking dish that has been buttered and flour
Grilled / oven until yellowish red
Carrot cake ready to be served for healthy and tasty snack for sure

The virtue Mutual Visiting Fellow Muslims

The virtue Mutual Visiting Fellow Muslims

          Among the adab in establishing brotherhood taught in Islam is a suggestion for another pilgrimage / visit relatives semuslim. This is a lovely manners, to foster love and brotherhood Islamiyah strong bond among the Muslim masses.           Among the glory of the morality of a Muslim is a pleasure to visit his fellow Muslims. However, this visit is not based on the needs and requirements of the world, but rather is based on feelings of love to his brother because God S.W.T. S.A.W Prophet said. "Once someone goes to visit his brother in the other regions, then God sent the angel to him S.W.T even while on the road. When approached, the angel asked, "You want to go?" He replied, "I'm going to visit my brother in this area." The angel asked, "if there is an advantage that want you to get out of it?" The man said, "No, unless because I love him because Allah 'Azza Wa Jalla. "Then the angel said," I am sent by God to you to tell you that God loves you just as you love S.W.T brother for - him. "(Muslim H.R) From the above hadith is emphasized that people who visit each other because God will be loved by God S.W.T. Imam Al-Nawawi said, "In this hadith there is virtue in love for God, and it was the cause to get the love of God and the primacy visit the pious. "(Mirqatul Mafatih, 8/3135)

Weakness and Advantages of Cooperatives

Weakness and Advantages of Cooperatives

Image result for koperasi           Cooperative is a joint effort to achieve a goal. Weaknesses and advantages of cooperatives was certainly there, as follows: A. weakness · Burdensome members if the high lending interest rates · Cooperation can be a heavy burden, if the substantially large deposits / height for each participating cooperative members · Many people who are less aware of their cooperative, so in general do not want to become members of cooperatives B. Advantages · Cooperative profitable for its members · The welfare of its members · Cooperation should be developed at all levels of Indonesian society · Provide opportunities to borrow - borrow money for its members · Build and develop the potential, the ability of member economies in particular and society in general · Cooperatives play an active role in enhancing human life and society kulaitas Thus buddy can I postingkan this time, see you next post, do not forget comment yes.

Economic problems Facing Government

Economic problems Facing Government

 Issues - economic issues dihadapu by the government of Indonesia is almost equal to the country - other developing countries. Well, go see my friend the following article: Poverty Poverty is due to the low level of income. Revenues were lower due to lower human resources, such as education and low skills, health and low productivity, uncreative, lack of capital, and so on. High unemployment Growth due to the growth of the labor force is not comparable with employment opportunities. Economic growth led to unemployment. In the end the numbers reliance in developing countries generally be high. Equitable opinion Incomes of the population in developing countries are generally uneven, minority of the population has wealth which are numerous, while the majority of the population controls the wealth of a small size Dependence on the international world of high finance Economic development in many developing countries depend on international financial institutions to obtain loans. Such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, etc. Dependence on farm production and export of primary products Developing economies are often dependent on primary products. Such as forest products, agriculture, mining for sale abroad, so that the value added is low. Environmental damage Environmental damage caused by many developing countries supplying raw materials / raw materials for industrial developed countries.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Setting the IP in Ubuntu , Easy and Simple

Setting the IP in Ubuntu , Easy and Simple

Open Ubuntu on your PC / Laptop

Desktop view , click Dash Home on the upper corner

Type Network in the Search Box , select Network Connection

Then came a new look as below , click add and fill in as the view below

Above settings for IP Class C After all tersetting , select Save at the bottom IP Settings in Ubuntu was already completed Thus my post this time about the IP settings in Ubuntu , may be useful for all readers . Greetings Blogger !